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Posted by Dii's blog on Senin, 22 Februari 2010 in
Hi.. hi.. hi.. In this fourth posting, I will tell you about a place in which located in our beloved Sanata Dharma University in English Education Study Program’s area. I will write some explanation about it and you have to guess it and also write your answer in my comments.
This place is easy to find. This place is south-faced. This place is quite small. Furthermore, there is a dust bin that usually placed in it. This place is located near K12 and K10. The west side of this place is the wall in front of K12. Beside, the east side of this place is stairs.
This place is a comfortable place. My friends and I usually have a conversation there when we are waiting for the next class. Other students usually do the same thing with my friends and I. Moreover, my friends and I usually do our assignments that haven’t done before the class. Smoking is another thing that we do there, but not all of us. We can do many things there.
Okay guys, I think that’s enough. If you know what place that I mean, as I told you, just write your answer in my comments for this posting. Thank you for reading :) .
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